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CITY INFORMATION(English Ver.)(June 15 ,2020 )

印刷用ページを表示する 掲載日:2020年6月29日更新


Let’s practice “New Lifestyle Patterns”to prevent the spread of COVID-19!

It is important to continue employing infection prevention measures as the battle against novel coronavirus is likely to last for a long time. Here are some of the examples of “New Lifestyle Patterns” introduced by the national government to put into practice to prevent the spread of infection and to save your life and your loved ones. Let’s get to it!
Inquiry: Iwakuni Public Health Center  Tel:24-3751

Basic Individual Infection Prevention Measures

● Three basics for infection prevention

1 Maintain physical distance from others

□ Keep a distance of at least 2m from others whenever possible. (1m at the very least)

□ Choose outdoor locations over indoors when going out to paly.

□ Avoid being directly face-to-face whenever possible during conversation.

2 Mask-wearing

□ Wear a mask even if you are not exhibiting symptoms

while indoors, during conversations or outings.

3  Handwashing

□ Immediately wash your hands and your face upon returning home. Change clothes a.s.a.p. and/or take a shower.
□ Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 30 seconds. ( hand sanitizer is effective, too.)

※ Be even more rigorous with health management if you come into contact with someone who is at risk of severe symptoms including an elderly person or someone with underlying illnesses.

Infection prevention measures regarding travel

□ Avoid traveling from or to areas where the infection is spreading.
□ Be discreet with returning home or trips. Only take business trips if they are unavoidable.
□ Take note of who you came into contact with and where in case you test positive.
□ Be aware of the current infection status of local areas.


Basic New Lifestyle Patterns in Daily Life

□ Frequent handwashing/using of hand sanitizer
□ Thorough practice of coughing etiquette

□ Frequent ventilation

□ Maintain physical distance from others

□ Avoid the “three Cs” (closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings)

□ Check your temperature and health every morning. If you have a fever or any cold-like symptoms, do not push yourself. Stay home to recuperate.


Closure of Kuga Library

From July 1 (Wed) to a day before grand opening day to prepare for relocation to a new library scheduled to open in October.

※ Checkout service for reserved materials is available in July only.

Inquiries : Kuga Library Tel: 82-4444


You-can-do-it Workshop presents Kendama class

Date and time:  July 11 (Sat), 13 : 30 - 16 : 00

Place:  Study room, Yuu Culture Center

Content:  Take part in a skill test and learn the technique and joy of Kendama play

Fee: 100 yen  (for skill test)

Registration period: Through July 3 (Friday)

Inquiries: Yuu Branch of Education Tel: 63-0121


Doctors of the day for MEDICAL emergencies

Reception hours: 9 : 00  a.m.-4 : 30 p.m. (Medical treatment till 5p.m.)  (Dentists:  9 : 00  a.m. - Noon)





July 7 (Sun)

Maruhisa Eye Clinic

22-chome, Ozu-machi


Fukuda Clinic

Naguwa, Mikawa-machi


Ooya Dental Clinic Minami-Yuu-machi  63-1182

Mikawa Dental Dispensary

Shimegami, Mikawa-machi


July 12 (Sun)

Obata Eye Clinic

1-chome, Iwakuni


Kobayashi Clinic

Nishi-Nagano, Shuto-machi


Mikawa Dental Dispensary

Shimegami, Mikawa-machi


July 19 (Sun)

Mizushima Eye Clinic

5-chome, Marifu-machi


Yagi Clinic

829-1, Kuga-machi


Mikawa Dental Dispensary

Shimegami, Mikawa-machi


July 23 (NH) Yamamoto ENT Clinic 6-chome, Marifu-machi 35-4587
July 24 (NH) Yasuoka DERM Clinic 2-chome, Yamate-machi 29-1112

July 26 (Sun)

Sato Eye Clinic

5-chome, Muronoki-machi


Suo Hospital

Kamikubara, Shuto-machi


Mikawa Dental Dispensary

Shimegami, Mikawa-machi
























Important notice

Iwakuni Clinical Center’s homepage: http://www.iwakuni-nh.go.jp/topnews/23-important/295-1-2.html<外部リンク>

*See the newspapers or “the doctors of the day” in the City Hall Homepage. Clinics/hospitals will be subject to change.

Inquiries: Local Medical Care Section

Phone: 0827-29-5011



City Information June 15, 2020 (PDFファイル)(399KB) (English & Easy Japanese Ver.)

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