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CITY INFORMATION(English Ver.)(July 1, 2021 )

印刷用ページを表示する 掲載日:2021年7月13日更新


July-Month of “National Campaign for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquenc
and victimization by Crimes”

● 3rd Sunday is “Family Day”.
Healthy and sound growth of children equals to happy family.  The 3rd Sunday is designated as a day for the family members to get together to have a quality time.
(1) Let’s dine with all family members
(2) Let’s get to work on anything and get it done together and have a blast.

● Proper use of internet~Is your kid’s smartphone safe?~
Kids must be protected from harmful internet environment.  Making rules of how to use internet at home or setting up filtering function can be very helpful for appropriate use of internet by the kids.

● Let’s recognize the kids by commendation~for act of kindness and good deed~
Kids have been recognized for saving a life, working as a volunteer and act of kindness.When you see or know of any child who deserves such recognition, please notify the school the child goes to or the Juvenile Section.

● Don’t keep it to yourself.  Reach out for advise!

○ Issues on Education

Juvenile Section (Education Center)    Tel:43-0901
○ Young Telephone Iwakuni
Call this place for Issues on delinquency/bullying.
Service hours: 9:30-17:00, Mon-Fri
Phone: 0120-22-7830,  Tel:43-0900 (for call from smartphone)

POC: Juvenile Section       Tel:43-0901

Marine Accident Zero Campaign

Period: July 16 (Fri) -31 (Sat)

● Prevention of accident at sea by small vessels
○ Thorough inspection before sailing
○ Encouragement of periodical inspection/maintenance
○ Thorough keeping of proper/constant watch

● Prevention of accident at sea by large vessels
○ Through keeping of proper/constant watch
○ Promotion of communication between vessels by radio or whistle, etc.

● Measures to save one’s own life
○ Wear a life-jacket at all times
○ Secure communication means
○ Call 188 for emergency

POC: Iwakuni Coast Guard Tel: 21-6118

Summer Traffic Safety Campaign Across Prefecture

Period: July 11 (Sun) – 20 (Tue)

○ Securement of safety for pedestrians including children and aged people in particular
○ Promotion of safe use of bicycles
○ Promotion of awareness on safe driving including protection of pedestrians, etc.
○ Strict enforcement of yielding the way to pedestrians at crosswalk

Summer Traffic Safety Campaign

POC: Livelihood Safety and Security Section     Tel: 29-5018


Operation of “Tanabata” train of Nishikigawa Seiryu Line

Nishikicho station and inside the trains of Nishikigawa Seiryu line will be decorated during “Tanabata”.  You can write your wishes on “Tanzaku” (a strip of paper) to make your dreams come true.

Period: July 1 (Thu) – 7 (Wed)

POC: Nishikigawa Railway Co. Ltd.      Tel: 72-2002

5th Mu March

Date/Time: July 17 (Sat)/18 (Sun), 10:00 – 15:00

Place: Riverside park, Mikawa Mu Valley

Content: Handmade workshop, Kitchen cars, sale of handmade small articles and sweets.

POC: Mikawa Mu Valley     Nekasa, Mikawa-machi    Tel: 77-0111
Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (except during summer break)

Afternoon concert

First Performance in Iwakuni by up-and-coming players of Japanese musical instrument

● Reison Kuroda・LEO Joint performance of Shakuhachi and Koto

Date/Time: Sept.5 (Sun), 14:00 – (doors open=13:30)

Place: Concert Hall, Sinfonia Iwakuni

Performers: Reison Kuroda (Shakuhachi), LEO (Koto)

Program: Soh-Gyo-Fu, Lebertango, etc.

Fare【all seats non-reserved】: General=2,000yen   Student under 25=500yen
※ Preschoolers not allowed to enter

Application/POC: Sinfonia Iwakuni       Tel: 29-1600


City Information July 1, 2021 (PDFファイル)(407KB)(English & Easy Japanese Ver.)

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