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CITY INFORMATION(English Ver.)(July 15 ,2020 )

印刷用ページを表示する 掲載日:2020年7月30日更新


Open Days of City-run Pools

● Miwa B&G Marine Center
   Who’s eligible?: Anyone (3rd graders and below must have guardians present)
  Open days: Through August 30 (Sun)
   ※ Closed=Every Mon. (except 8/10 (NH)), 8/13 (Thu) – 16 (Sun)
   Open hours:
                     ○ Weekdays=1700 -2000  ( 8/4 (Tue) – 21 (Fri):1500 – 2000)
                     ○ Sat, Sun, National Holiday=1300 – 1700
  ※ Number of users will be restricted as a preventive measure for the spread of COCID-19.
   Call below POC for details.
   Miwa B&G Marine Center  Tel:96-0700,Sports Promotion Sec., Miwa Office  Tel:95-0005 
● Other city-run pools will be closed.
  Tateishi pool, Asahi pool, Yuu ES pool, Kuga ES pool, Takamori ES pool,Shuto pool, Shuto Wakaba pool will be all closed for the entire period due to difficulty in avoiding the “Three Cs” at the dressing rooms.
  Inquiries: Sports Promotion Section    Tel:29-5103


Swimming Beach at Minato Oasis Yuu Won’t be Opened This Year

For fear of spread of COVID-19, the swimming beach at the Shiokaze Park Minato Oasis Yuu won’t be opened this year.

Inquiries: Local Vitalization Section, Yuu General Branch Office   Tel:63-1111

50 yen bus campaign for kids

Local buses operated by Bocho Kotsu bus company (excluding Highway bus, Super Hagi, and local bus in Yuu town) will be charging only 50 yen for a ride.

Who’s eligible?: Elementary school students and below

※ No charge for kids under one year old.

※ One 1 - 5 year-old kid will get a free ride when accompanied by a person over 6 years old.

Period: August 8 (Sat) – 17 (Mon)

Fare: 50yen ride

※ Other discount service for disables, etc. can’t be combined with this campaign.


The 2nd Mu Marche

Date and time: July 18 (Sat), 19 (Sun)    1000 – 1500
Place: Center House, Miawa Mu Valley and riverside park.
Handmade workshop, Flea market, Resin/Herbarium, Dry flowers workshop, Kitchen truck, Sweets vendor, etc.
Inquiries: Mikawa Mu Valley  Tel: 77-0111

Summer-break Adventure Train in Mikawa Mu Valley

Make this summer-break a memorable one by taking a Nishikigawa Seiryu line for an adventure in Mikawa Mu Valley.

Date and time:
Aug 1 (Sat) – 23 (Sun) (excluding 13 (Thu) – 16 (Sun)) , Dept. Iwakuni train sta.=0953
1 Mikawa Mu Valley Basic Course=Value plan to enter the cave.
2 Hands-on Wood Craft Course=Making of an original item at DIY studio could suit for your summer-break homework. 
1  Junior HS students and older=3,400yen   ES students=1,600yen
2 Jnior HS students and older=4,300yen ES students=2,500yen

※Visit HP of Nishikigawa Railway for details.
Please register for two or more people three days in advance by phone.
Inquiries: Nishikigawa Railway Co. Ltd. Tel: 72-2002


Doctors of the day for MEDICAL emergencies

Reception hours: 9 : 00  a.m.-4 : 30 p.m. (Medical treatment till 5p.m.)  (Dentists:  9 : 00  a.m. - Noon)





August 2 (Sun)

Tomoda (women’s) Clinic

1-chome, Imazu-machi


Kuga Chuo Hospital

1448, Kuga-machi8


Ooya Dental Clinic Minami-Yuu-machi  63-1182

Mikawa Dental Dispensary

Shimegami, Mikawa-machi


August 9 (Sun)

Hironaka Urology Clinic

2-chome, Nishimi


Refre Maeda Hospital

1887, Kuga-machi


Mikawa Dental Dispensary

Shimegami, Mikawa-machi


August 10 (NH)

Inada Urology Clinic

1-chome, Imazu-machi


August 16 (Sun)

Kurisu Eye Clinic

1-chome, Hirata 34-5513

Miwa Hospital

Shibukuma, Miwa-machi 96-1155

Mikawa Dental Dispensary

Shimegami, Mikawa-machi 76-0666
August  23(Sun)

Kobayashi ENT Clinic

3-chome, Imazu-machi 21-2718

Yamashita Internal  Medicine

558-22, Kuga-machi 81-0050

Mikawa Dental Dispensary

Shimegami, Mikawa-machi 76-0666

August 30 (Sun)

Goto OB-GYN Clinic

1-chome, Iwakuni


Fujimasa Hospital

Shimokubara, Shuto-machi


Mikawa Dental Dispensary

Shimegami, Mikawa-machi
























Important notice

Iwakuni Clinical Center’s homepage: http://www.iwakuni-nh.go.jp/topnews/23-important/295-1-2.html<外部リンク>

*See the newspapers or “the doctors of the day” in the City Hall Homepage. Clinics/hospitals will be subject to change.

Inquiries: Local Medical Care Section

Phone: 0827-29-5011



City Information June 15, 2020 (PDFファイル)(374KB) (English & Easy Japanese Ver.)

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