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CITY INFORMATION(English Ver.)(February 1,2020 )

印刷用ページを表示する 掲載日:2020年2月13日更新

City Policy Pick-Up

A signing agreement ceremony regarding the implementation of training camp for the upcoming 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo

Iwakuni designated as pre-Olympic training site

A signing agreement ceremony regarding the implementation of training camp for the upcoming 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo was held at the city hall, December 16. The signing officially confirmed the designation of Iwakuni City as a pre-Olympic training site for the U.S.A. Epee Women’s and Men’s National teams. Donald Anthony, the president of USA Fencing and Yoshihiko Fukuda, the mayor of Iwakuni City signed and exchanged the agreement.

Mayor Fukuda commented, “We will try our best to support the players so that they could perform their best.”  President Anthony said, “I am most thankful for the extensive facilities and city’s thoughtful attention to detail. I hope that the sport of fencing will bring the two countries close together.”

Iwakuni City had previously inked an agreement to host the U.S.A. Softball Women’s National team here as well. About a week long pre-Olympic training camp is scheduled to be held at the Culture Center in Atago Sports Complex in mid July.

President Anthony expressed gratitude for the signing of agreement and feelings of anticipation for the training camp in the city
President Anthony expressed gratitude for the signing of agreement and feelings of anticipation for the training camp in the city

U.S.A. Women’s National Team once had a training camp in Iwakuni, March last year.
U.S.A. Women’s National Team once had a training camp in Iwakuni, March last year.

Inquiries: Sports Promotion Section

Tel: 0827-29-5103

GARBAGE-Care about it a bit more, Care about it a lot more!

There are some containers that cannot be taken out as〔Plastics〕even though they have  “Pura-mark” on them.

Plastic containers with propellant inside are sometimes mingled in the garbage and taken out on a designated day as〔Plastics〕and causing trouble in garbage disposal.

Propellant is often used for such products as insecticide spray, hair dye spray, etc. If they end up with other〔Plastics〕to be disposed of, a fire or an explosion may result in worst cases.

Before taking the garbage out, please make sure that no product with propellant inside is mingled in any of the garbage. The one with propellant inside shall be taken out as〔Hard-to-be-disposed-of〕garbage even though it has “Pura-mark” on it. Fire can be prevented by proper segregation of garbage. Thank you for your cooperation.

A product with propellant inside goes to 〔Hard-to-be-disposed-of〕garbage even though it has “Pura-mark” on it.

Inquiries: Environmental Projects Section



The Young Americans Japan Tour in Iwakuni

This event is set to be called off because of COVID-19.

The Young Americans Japan Tour in Iwakuni

The Young Americans will hit our city again. Come and enjoy the stage of songs and dances produced and performed by about 230 students from local and neighboring Elementary Schools and High Schools and about 40 young Americans after a three-day joint workshop.

Date and time: Mar. 1 (Sun),   17:00-19:00

Place: Main hall, Iwakuni City Culture Center

Admission: 1,000yen (viewing)


The Young Americans Staff Office
Emai:l   ya@jibunmirai.com

International Relations Office


Chikakuni-Iwakuni Market

This event is set to be called off because of COVID-19.


This international event is for children and adults to enjoy, featuring riddle-solving games and the lovely world of Easter with motifs of eggs and rabbits.

Date and time: Mar. 1 (Sun), 10:00-15:00

Place: In and around Culture Center, Atago Sports Complex

Content: Riddle-solving games, Workshop, Parent-Child cooking class, Hand-gesture play in English, American food booth, Music performance, etc.
※ Visit City Homepage for details.

Inquiries: Public Relations Strategy Section



Japan-U.S. Friendship Concert in Iwakuni

Japan-U.S. Friendship Concert in Iwakuni

Japanese students and American students from MCAS Iwakuni join in Friendship Concert.

Date and time: February 8 (Sat), 13:30

Place: Main hall, Iwakuni City Culture Center

Participants: Yuu-Nishi Elementary School, Yuu Junior High School, M.C.Perry High School, Iwakuni Middle School, Iwakuni Elementary School, Marifu-daiko, etc.

English Education Promotion Office

Base Affairs Section



City Information February 1, 2020 (PDFファイル)(727KB)(English & Easy Japanese Ver.)

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