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CITY INFORMATION(English Ver.)(January 1,2020 )

印刷用ページを表示する 掲載日:2020年1月10日更新

City Policy Pick-Up

Japan-US Goodwill Relay Marathon in Iwakuni

Mutual Exchanges Deepened in 4 Hours




“Japan-US Goodwill Relay Marathon” was held at 55 Field in Atago Sports Complex, December 1.  The event was aimed at promotion of mutual exchanges with a large turnout -- 199 teams in six categories totaling 2063 local Japanese and people from US military base. They competed for laps of 1.4 km special course in four hours handing off a cloth sash (tasuki) among the team members.

Ramune Category” was newly created in this 3rd annual event, introducing a rule to drink up one bottle of carbonated soft drink per lap. Runners had a bit of a problem downing the bottle at one go. Nonetheless they seemed to be really enjoying the event.

Many teams participated in the event wearing a variety of costumes to get a prize for their costume. Both Japanese and American participants were seen enjoying watching elaborate costumes and taking commemorative photos of them together. Next year’s event is scheduled on Dec. 6 and the greater turnout and excitement will be expected.

Inquiries: Sports Promotion Section

Tel: 0827-29-5103

Exchanges with Iwakuni Elementary School

To Foster the Mind to Respect Each Other.

130 3rd graders and 5th graders of Higashi Elementary School and visiting 114 students from Iwakuni Elementary School aboard the base participated in the exchange event held at the school on 20 November.

5th graders of Higashi ES have fostered international understanding by studying about the population of foreign nationals in Iwakuni and by introducing the charm of Iwakuni to visitors from foreign countries in foreign languages. This event was designed to foster the mind to respect each other by learning the cultural and conceptual differences and similarities through fun activities with students from the base.

Students were split into respective classrooms where they introduced themselves in English and played Sugoroku (snakes and ladders), Origami (paper folding) and Kendama.  The last activity was to present each other with a song. Students of Higashi ES were heard saying, “I had a great time,” “I want to see them again,” and so forth when they were seeing off their friends from the base.

Iwakuni city is committed to continuing the exchange events with Elementary and Junior High School on base.

Children got to know that trying to understand each other is the first step for better understanding even with their poor verbal communication.

They got to experience the difference in food culture-school lunches for Japanese students and brought-in lunches for American students.

Inquiries: English Education Promotion Office

Tel: 0827-29-5201


Topic in Town

Japan-US Exchange Event-Mini Undokai

Japan-US Mini Undokai (Sports Day) was held at Lotus Culture Center in Atago Sports Complex, Nov. 23. 57 pairs of parent and child-a total of 114 Japanese and Americans, participated in the event and enjoyed playing staple programs in Japanese Sports Day.

Participants were split into 4 teams to compete with each other for the victory. Each member of the team helped and supported one another, overcoming the language barrier. They all had a good time together.


Dekapan race
Dekapan race

Beanbag toss

Beanbag toss
Beanbag toss

Rolling balls

Rolling balls
Rolling balls



Suspension of Iwakuni Castle Ropeway Operation and Closure of Iwakuni Castle


Iwakuni Castle
Iwakuni Castle

Ropeway operation will be suspended for inspection/maintenance work during the following period. Iwakuni Castle will be closed at the same time.

Period: Jan 14 (Tue) – Feb.10 (Mon)

Inquiries: Iwakuni Management Office, Nishikigawa Railway Co., Inc.

Phone: 0827-41-1477



City Information January 1, 2020 (PDFファイル)(949KB) (English & Easy Japanese Ver.)

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